DorfWiki Bildung+Begegnung
Doug Schuler: "Liberating Voices: a pattern language for communication revolution", ISBN 987-0-262-69366-0
- 1: Civic Intelligence
- 2: The Commons - DasGemeinGut?
- 3: The Good Life
Organizing Principles:
- 4: Social Dominance Attenuation
- 5: Health as a Universal Right
- 6: Global Citizenship - DerGlobaleBürger? - DerGlobaleMensch? - DerSolareMensch?
- 7: Political Settings
- 8: Social Responsibility
- 9: Matrifocal Orientation
- 10: Collective Decision Making - DieKollektiveEntscheidung?
- 11: Memory and Responsibility
- 12: Working-Class Consciousness
- 13: Back to the Roots
- 14: Demystification and Reenchantment
- 15; Translaton
- 16: Linguistic Diversity - /DieSprachlicheVielfalt?
- 17: Education and Values - /ErziehungUndWerte?
- 18: Dematerialization
Routes towards change:
- 19: Transforming Institutions
- 20: Teaching to Transgress
- 21: FairTrade
- 22: SustainableDesign?
- 23: AntiRacism?
- 24: Spiritually Grounded Activism
- 25: Cyberpower
Availability of information:
- 26: Earth's Vital Signs
- 27: Big-Picture Health Information
- 28: Whole Cost - DieVollKosten?
- 29: Indicators - DerIndikator?
- 30: Public Agenda
- 31: Democratic Political Settings
- 32: Big Tent for Social Change
- 33: Opportunity Spaces
Improving Skills and Capacities:
- 34: Strategic Capacity
- 35: Media Literacy - DieMedienKompentenz? - DieInternetKompetenz?
- 36: Participatory Design - DiePartizipativeGestaltung?
- 37: Citizen Science
- 38: Mobile Intelligence
- 39: Technocriticism
Enabling Systems:
- 40: World Citicen Parliament - DasWeltParlament?
- 41: Economic Conversion
- 42: Strengthening International Law - DasInternationaleGesetz?
- 43: International Networks of Alternative Media
Intelligence from the ground up:
- 44: Design Stance
- 45: Open Action and Research Network
- 46: Alternative Progress Indexes
- 47: Meaningful Maps
- 48: Citizen Access to Simulations - DasSimulationsWerkzeug?
- 49: Culturally Situated Design Tools
- 50: Conversational Support across Boundaries
- 51: Truth and Reconsiliation Commissions - DieWahrheitsKommission? - DieVersöhnungsKommission?
- 52: Online Deliberation
Community support:
- 53: Alternative Media in Hostile Environments
- 54: Durable Assets
- 55: Indigenous Media
- 56: Peace Education - DieFriedensErziehung?
- 57: Intermediate Technologies
- 58: Durable Assets
- 59: Public Library: DieBücherei?
- 60: Digital Emancipation
- 61: Community Networks
- 62: Online Community Service Engine
- 63: Community Currencies: DieCommunityWährung?
- 64: Transparency
- 65: Privacy
- 66: Media Diversity
- 67: Ethics of Community Informatics
- 68: Free and Fair Elections: DieFreienWahlen?
- 69: Equal Access to Justice
- 70: E-Consultation
- 71: Participatory Budgeting
- 72: Transaction Tax: DieTransaktionsSteuer?
- 73: Powerful Remittances
- 74: Positive Health Information
- 75: Accessibility of Online Information
- 76: Open Access Scholarly Publishing: DasOpenAccessPublizieren?
- 77: Mobile Information and Computer Technology Learning Facilities
- 78: Grassroots Public Policy Development
- 79: Multiparty Negotiiations for Conflict Resolution: DerRundeTisch?
- 80: User's Information Technology Quality Network
- 81: Academic Technology Investments
- 82: Wholesome Design for Wicked Problems
- 83: Voices of the Unheard
- 84 Design for Unintended Use
- 85: Civic Capabilities
- 86: Strategic Frame
- 87: Value Sensitive Design
- 88: Future Design
- 89: Experimental School
- 90: Service-Learning
- 91: Citizen Journalism
- 92: Document-Centered Discussion
- 93: Citizen Diplomacy
- 94: Mirror Institutions - DieSchattenInstitution?
- 95: Patient Access to Medical Records
- 96: Citizenship Schools
- 97: Community-Building Journalism
- 98: Informal Learning Groups - DieInformelleLerngruppe?
- 99: Appreciative Collaboration
- 100: Sustainability Appraisal
- 101: Shared Vision
- 102: Community Animators
- 103: Online Antipoverty Community
- 104: Sense of Struggle
- 105: Self-Help-Groups - DieSelbsthilfeGruppe?
- 106: Self-Designed Development
- 107: Engaged Tourism
- 108: Appropriating Technology
- 109: Control of Self-Representation
- 110: Homemade Media - DasProsumerMedium?
- 111: Arts of Resistance
- 112: Labour Visions
- 113: Universal Voice Mail
- 114: The Power of Story
- 115: Public Domain Characters
- 116: Everyday Heroism - TheLocalHero?
- 117: Community Telecenters - DasTelezentrum?
- 118: Thinking Communities
- 119: Great Good Place
- 120: Soap Operas with Civic Message
- 121: Emergency Communication Systems
- 122: Community Inquiry
- 123: Illegitimate Theater
- 124: Environmental Impact Remediation
- 125: Open Source Search Technology
- 126: Socially Responsible Computer Games
- 127: Open Source Everything
- 128: Power Research
- 129: Citizen's Tribunal
- 130: Whistle-Blowing
- 131: Tactical Media
- 132: Media Intervention
- 133: Peaceful Public Demonstrations
- 134: Activist Road Trip
- 135: Follow The Money