"Architektur- und Landschaftsverständnis im Wandel von Ort und Zeit.- Einige Episoden der europäischen Ideengeschichte am Leitfaden -von Architektur- und Landschaftsbetrachtungen"
"Schweifendes Wohnen - bearbeitete Wiedergabe eines mündlichen Vortrages, gehalten im Rahmen des 1. Grazer Wohnbaukongresses im Jahr 1999 mit dem Titel "wohnbau ...haltbar bis" an der TU Graz, veranstaltet vom Institut für Städtebau und Umweltgestaltung, Fakultät für Architektur.
Interessantes über Churingasteine und die drei elementaren Konstituenten des Wohnens (Depot, Initiationsplatz, Schweifgebiet ) und die weitere soziokulturelle Gliederung des Raumes (Durchzugsräume, Einstiegspunkte, etc.)
As the historic cities and villages changed gradually to treasures of “cultural heritage”, a new nameless type of landuse, agglomeration, intermediate city or urban sprawl is architectural scattering in the landscape. Actually there is a new understanding of „Cultural Landscape“ growing which is not city and not countryside as well.
Within the global change towards 10 billion people, most of them in mega-urban regions, it is highest time to develop and apply new structural urban patterns under the guideline of controllable environmental problems on the one hand, and a polyfunctional nature-related space for life on the other hand. Development towards sustainability must be an effort of all sectors of society, demands partly profit renunciation, is an appeal to ethic or religious standards, supported by a vision of harmony between mankind and nature. In contemporary sustainable architecture the main difference is the attitude towards open space and the interlinking with garden and landscape.
Transformation of the Onion City to the Rhizoma City - reactualisation of Village patterns?